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CWLCon 2024

The 2024 CWL Conference will be held at VU Amsterdam from the Wednesday 15 May to Friday 17 May!

The conference talks will be shared in the CWL Matrix room. This means presenters and participants may choose to attend in-person event or engage remotely.

There will also be an in-person training event on Tuesday 14th of May

For those in different timezones, we had two four-hour online-only sessions the week before. You can watch the recordings of those presenations online.

Photo from a previous conference.

Join us for the 4th annual CWL Conference & 10th Anniversary Celebration 🎉 🥳!


Please fill out the Registration Form, to register your attendance. You will get an automatic email confirming your form has been received.

You will need to register your attendance regardless of if you wish to attend in person or virtually!

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Key Dates

Training Workshop Sign Ups


Please fill out the following form if you would like to attend.

The in-person training workshop will take place on Tuesday 14 May at VU Amsterdam. Room number TBC


Please fill out the following form if you would like to attend.

The training workshop will take place on Thursday 9 May from 13:30 AEST to 16:00 AEST

The call for submissions has closed.

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Week 1

Session 1 (Online only)
Wednesday 8 May
Americas friendly time

A three-hour online conference session for those in Europe, Americas, Middle East, and Africa. The session time for your timezone can be found below.

DateTime ZoneSession Time
Wednesday 8 May Pacific Daylight Time 08:00 - 11:00
Wednesday 8 May Eastern Daylight Time 11:00 - 14:00
Wednesday 8 May UTC Time 15:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 8 May Central European Summer Time 17:00 - 20:00

Session 1 Schedule (UTC Time)

TitlePresenterStart Time (UTC)
Welcome / Code of Conduct Michael Crusoe 15:00
What's new with CWL? Michael Crusoe 15:05
CWL @ ICA Bart Denotté, Pratik Soares 15:15
Facilitating Drug Discovery with CWL Saul Acevedo 15:35
Break 15:55
Concise Common Workflow Language (ccwl) Arun Isaac 16:10
Towards Automating Federated Learning Operations at Scale Leveraging CWL Yuandou Wang 16:30
Workflomics: A Web Platform for Generating and Benchmarking Bioinformatics Workflows Magnus Palmblad 16:50
Break 17:05
Renku: a platform for sustainable data science Rok Roškar 17:20
Introducing SWEL: SWEL: A domain-specific language for modelling data-intensive workflows José Raúl Romero 17:40

APAC CWL Novice Tutorial (Online only)
Thursday 9 May

13:30 - 16:00 Australian Eastern Standard Time (Separate signup, unlimited room)

Session 2 (Online only)
Thursday 9 May / Friday 10 May
APAC-Americas Friendly time

A 2.5-hours online conference session for Asia-Pacific / Americas timezones.
The session time for your timezone can be found below.

DateTime ZoneSession Time
Thursday 9 May Pacific Daylight Time 16:00 - 18:30
Thursday 9 May Eastern Daylight Time 19:00 - 21:30
Thursday 9 May UTC Time 23:00 - 01:30 (+1 Day)
Friday 10 May Japanese Standard Time 08:00 - 10:30
Friday 10 May Australian Eastern Standard Time 09:00 - 11:30

Session 2 Schedule (UTC Time)

TitlePresenterStart Time (UTC)
Welcome / Code of Conduct Michael Crusoe 23:00
What's new with CWL? Michael Crusoe 23:05
JSON-Schemas for validating for CWL and CWL Inputs Alexis Lucattini 23:15
NGS360 - A NGS Data Management and Analysis Platform Ryan Golhar 23:35
CWL @ ICA Bart Denotté, Pratik Soares 23:55
Break 00:15
CWL-Enabled Reusable and Reproducible Genomic Data Management and Analysis in R Qian Liu 00:30
Performance Evaluation of GPU-intensive Genome Analysis Workflows in HPC and Cloud Tomoya Tanjo 00:50
Extending CWL for High-Performance Computing: A Visual Workflow System with HPC Enhancements Zhang Yexi 01:05

Week 2

CWL Training event (Amsterdam only)
Tuesday 14 May

13:00 - 17:00 Central European Summer Time (Separate signup)

Session 3 (Amsterdam / Online hybrid)
Wednesday 15 May
APAC-EMEA Friendly time

This session will both be in-person in Amsterdam and online.

DateTime ZoneSession Time
Wednesday 15 May UTC Time 06:30 - 10:00
Wednesday 15 May Central European Summer Time 08:30 - 12:00
Wednesday 15 May Japanese Standard Time 15:30 - 19:00
Wednesday 15 May Australian Eastern Standard Time 16:30 - 20:00

Session 3 Schedule (UTC Time)

TitlePresenterStart Time
Welcome / Code of Conduct Michael Crusoe 06:30 UTC / 08:30 CEST
What's new with CWL? Michael Crusoe 06:35 UTC / 08:35 CEST
Extending CWL for High-Performance Computing: A Visual Workflow System with HPC Enhancements Zhang Yexi 06:45 UTC / 08:35 CEST
Concise Common Workflow Language (ccwl) Arun Isaac 06:55 UTC / 08:55 CEST
Towards Enhancing WaaS and Data Provenance over Reana: Enhancing Reproducibility on the European AI-on-Demand Platform Antonis Ganios 07:15 UTC / 09:15 CEST
Break 07:35 UTC / 09:35 CEST
Various tips for over thousand of jobs at HPC environment Manabu Ishii 08:10 UTC / 10:10 CEST
Salad Goes Rusty: Expanding the Horizons of CW Giuseppe Eletto 08:25 UTC / 10:25 CEST
JSON-Schemas for validating for CWL and CWL Inputs Alexis Lucattini 08:40 UTC / 10:40 CEST
Break 09:00 UTC / 11:00 CEST
Keynote: The Pegasus Workflow Management System: Current Applications and Future Directions Ewa Deelman 09:15 UTC / 11:15 CEST

Session 4 (Amsterdam / Online hybrid)
Wednesday 15 May
EMEA-Americas Friendly time

This session will both be in-person in Amsterdam and online.

DateTime ZoneSession Time
Wednesday 15 May US Eastern Daylight Time 07:30 - 11:30
Wednesday 15 May UTC Time 11:30 - 15:30
Wednesday 15 May Central European Summer Time 13:30 - 17:30
Wednesday 15 May Japanese Standard Time 20:30 - 00:30

Session 4 Schedule (UTC Time)

TitlePresenterStart Time
Welcome / Code of Conduct Michael Crusoe 11:30 UTC / 13:30 CEST
10 years of Guix and reproducibility with CWL Pjotr Prins 11:35 UTC / 13:35 CEST
Towards Automating Federated Learning Operations at Scale Leveraging CWL Yuandou Wang 11:55 UTC / 13:55 CEST
Advancing Workflow Automation: Insights from Workflow Execution Service and the Common Workflow Language Tazro Ohta 12:15 UTC / 14:15 CEST
Break 12:35 UTC / 14:35 CEST
Future Improvements to CWL Peter Amstutz 12:50 UTC / 14:40 CEST
Challenges and opportunities to drive workflows for the data plane Frédéric Suter 13:10 UTC / 15:10 CEST
Workflomics: A Web Platform for Generating and Benchmarking Bioinformatics Workflows Vedran Kasalica 13:25 UTC / 15:25 CEST
Break 13:40 UTC / 15:40 CEST
Introducing SWEL: SWEL: A domain-specific language for modelling data-intensive workflows José Raúl Romero 13:55 UTC / 15:55 CEST
Renku: a platform for sustainable data science Rok Roškar 14:15 UTC / 16:15 CEST
NGS360 - A NGS Data Management and Analysis Platform Ryan Golhar 14:35 UTC / 16:35 CEST
Facilitating Drug Discovery with CWL Saul Acevedo 14:55 UTC / 16:55 CEST
Closing Remarks Michael R. Crusoe 15:15 UTC / 17:15 CEST

Session 5 (Amsterdam / Online hybrid)
Thursday 16 May
APAC-EMEA Friendly time

This session will both be in-person in Amsterdam and online.

DateTime ZoneSession Time
Thursday 16 May UTC Time 06:00 - 10:00
Thursday 16 May Central European Summer Time 08:00 - 12:00
Thursday 16 May Japanese Standard Time 15:00 - 19:00
Thursday 16 May Australian Eastern Standard Time 16:00 - 20:00

Session 5 Schedule (UTC Time)

TitlePresenterStart Time (UTC)
Welcome / Code of Conduct Michael Crusoe 06:00 UTC / 08:00 CEST
LivePublication: From Instruments, to Computation, to Publication. Gus Ellerm 06:05 UTC / 08:05 CEST
Performance Evaluation of GPU-intensive Genome Analysis Workflows in HPC and Cloud Tomoya Tanjo 06:25 UTC / 08:25 CEST
CWL Working Groups Iacopo Colonnelli 06:40 UTC / 08:40 CEST
Break 06:55 UTC / 08:55 CEST
Integrating Scientific Workflows into Services and Applications using CWL Branden Kappes 07:10 UTC / 09:10 CEST
Panel discussion on the importance and use cases of provenance for workflow practitioners Renske de Wit, Stian Soiland-Reyes, Jasper Jan Koehorst, et al. 07:30 UTC / 09:30 CEST

In-person small groups
(Amsterdam only)
Thursday 16 May

13:30 - 17:30 Central European Summer Time

Co-working / Hackathon
(Amsterdam only)
Friday 17 May

09:00 - 17:30 Central European Summer Time

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Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
De Boelelaan 1105, 1081 HV Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Location of VU Amsterdam on Google Maps
Event venue map.

Health and Safety

The event has a Health and Safety policy (inspired by

The policy comprises the following components:

  • In-person participants will be required to wear a FFP3 face mask.
  • Any scheduled meals and coffee breaks will be outside.
  • Attendees will be expected to perform a rapid COVID-19 test prior to participating each day.
  • The CO2 level in the rooms will be monitored to ensure good ventilation (PPM under 1000).

If the policy changes it is only strengthened - never weakened - between the event's announcement and the event itself.

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Code of Conduct

This event will be held in accordance with the CWL Code of conduct.

The CWL Project is dedicated to providing a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, age, race, or religion.We do not tolerate harassment of participants in any form.

This code of conduct applies to all CWL Project spaces, including the Google Group, the Matrix chat room, the Google Hangouts chats, both online and off.

Anyone who violates this code of conduct may be sanctioned or expelled from these spaces at the discretion of the leadership team.

For more details, see our Code of Conduct.

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