# FAQ % The items here do not look like questions, because we merged the % How-Tos with the FAQ. We can/need to change it later. ```{contents} :local: :backlinks: "top" ``` ## How do I create non "`File`" types using `evalFrom`? ```yaml cwlVersion: v1.0 # or v1.1 class: CommandLineTool requirements: InlineJavascriptRequirement: {} baseCommand: [ echo, "42" ] inputs: [] stdout: my_number.txt outputs: my_number: type: int outputBinding: glob: my_number.txt loadContents: True outputEval: $(parselnt(self[0].contents)) my_number_as_string: type: string outputBinding: glob: my_number.txt loadContents: True outputEval: $(self[0].contents) ``` ## How do I rename an input file? This example demonstrates how to change the name of an input file as part of a tool description. This could be useful when you are taking files produced from another step in a workflow, and don't want to work with the default names that these files were given when they were created. ```yaml requirements: InitialWorkDirRequirement: listing: - entry: $(inputs.src1) entryName: newName - entry: $(inputs.src2) entryName: $(inputs.src1.basename)_custom_extension ``` ## How do I rename an output file? This example demonstrates how to change the name of an output file from the default name given to it by a tool: ```yaml cwlVersion: v1.0 class: CommandLineTool requirements: InlineJavascriptRequirement: {} baseCommand: [ touch, otu_table.txt ] inputs: otu_table_name: string outputs: otu_table: type: File outputBinding: glob: otu_table.txt outputEval: ${self[0].basename=inputs.otu_table_name; return self;} ``` By modifying the `basename` field in the `outputEval` field, CWL workflow engines will rename the file using the new name for subsequent steps or as a workflow-level output. ## How do I reference a local script? There are two ways to reference a local script: The first method involves adding the path to a folder containing your scripts to the `PATH` environment variable. This allows you to execute the shell script directly (without explicitly using the `sh` or `bash` commands). Start with adding a _shebang_ at the top of your file: ```{code-block} #!/bin/bash ``` After that, make the script executable with the command `chmod +x scriptname.sh` Finally, modify your `PATH` to add the directory where your script is located. (It is good practice to use `$HOME/bin` for storing your own scripts). ```bash export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin ``` Now you can use `baseCommand: scriptname.sh` to run the script directly. ```cwl #!/bin/bash cwlVersion: v1.0 class: CommandLineTool baseCommand: scriptname.sh ``` When you wish to share your work later, you can place your script in a software container in the Docker format. The second method involves including an input of `type: File` in the script itself: ```cwl class: CommandLineTool inputs: my_script: type: File inputBinding: position: 0 # other inputs go here baseCommand: sh outputs: [] ``` ## How can I set `self`-based input bindings for optional inputs? Currently, `cwltool` can't cope with missing optional inputs if their input binding makes use of `self`. Below is an example workaround for this, pending a more sophisticated fix. ```yaml #!/usr/bin/env cwl-runner cwlVersion: v1.0 class: CommandLineTool requirements: { InlineJavascriptRequirement: {} } inputs: cfg: type: File? inputBinding: prefix: -cfg valueFrom: | ${ if(self === null) { return null;} else { return self.basename; } } baseCommand: echo outputs: [] ``` ## How can I model a "one-or-the-other" parameter? Below is an example showing how to specify different strings to be added to a command line, based on the value given to a Boolean parameter. ```yaml cwlVersion: v1.0 class: CommandLineTool requirements: InlineJavascriptRequirement: {} inputs: fancy_bool: type: boolean default: false # or true inputBinding: valueFrom: ${if (self) { return "foo";} else { return "bar";}} baseCommand: echo outputs: [] ``` ## How do I connect a solo value to an input that expects an array of that type? Add a [`MultipleInputFeatureRequirement`](https://www.commonwl.org/v1.0/Workflow.html#MultipleInputFeatureRequirement) along with [`linkMerge: merge_nested`](https://www.commonwl.org/v1.0/Workflow.html#WorkflowStepInput): > merge_nested > > The input must be an array consisting of exactly one entry for each input link. > If "merge_nested" is specified with a single link, the value from the link must be wrapped in a single-item list. Which means "create a list with exactly these sources as elements". Or in other words: if the destination is of type `File[]` (an array of `File`s) and the source is a single `File` then add `MultipleInputFeatureRequirement` to the Workflow level `requirements` and add `linkMerge: merge_nested` under the appropriate `in` entry of the destination step. ```yaml cwlVersion: v1.0 class: Workflow requirements: MultipleInputFeatureRequirement: {} inputs: readme: File steps: first: run: tests/checker_wf/cat.cwl in: cat_in: # type is File[] source: [ readme ] # but the source is of type File linkMerge: merge_nested out: [txt] outputs: result: type: File outputSource: first/txt ``` ## How do make an input optional? 💯 To make an input parameter optional, add a question mark to the type declaration. ```yaml inputs: InputRead1: type: File inputBinding: position: 100 #Optional Inputs isCasava: type: boolean? inputBinding: position: 1 prefix: "--casava" ``` ## How do I specify an input that must come from a list of predefined values (i.e. How do I use enum inputs) ? For command line flags that require a specific input as the argument an enum type can be declared in CWL. **Specifying null here is known as long form style. It does the same thing as the question mark on the other inputs.** ```yaml Format: type: - "null" - type: enum symbols: - bam - sam - bam_mapped - sam_mapped - fastq inputBinding: position: 2 prefix: "--format" ``` ## How do I describe dependent or exclusive input parameters(e.g. How do I use record inputs)? For commandline flags that are either **mutually exclusive** or **dependent** a special record type can be defined. You can also specify null here to create optional inputs. ```yaml #Using record inputs to create mutually exclusive inputs Strand: type: - "null" - type: record name: forward fields: forward: type: boolean inputBinding: prefix: "--fr-stranded" - type: record name: reverse fields: reverse: type: boolean inputBinding: prefix: "--rf-stranded" PseudoBam: type: boolean? inputBinding: prefix: "--pseudobam" #Using record inputs to create dependent inputs GenomeBam: type: - "null" - type: record name: genome_bam fields: genomebam: type: boolean inputBinding: prefix: "--genomebam" gtf: type: File inputBinding: prefix: "--gtf" chromosomes: type: File inputBinding: prefix: "--chromosomes" ``` ## How do I set mutually exclusive parameters? To properly set fields in a record input type, you need to pass a dictionary to the input to properly set the parameters. This is done by using inline JavaScript and returning the dictionary with the key of the field you want to set. The source field is set to indicate the input from the workflow to be used as the value. ```yaml steps: build_hisat2_index: run: ../Tools/Hisat2-Index.cwl in: InputFiles: source: FastaFiles valueFrom : | ${return {"fasta": self};} IndexName: IndexName out: [indexes] ``` ## How can I set Booleans? These can be set by using the default field ```yaml input: default: true ``` ## What should I do when concatenating strings in inputs? The valueFrom field must be used instead of default. ```yaml input: valueFrom: | My String: $(input.stringvalue) ``` ## I get `cwltool` errors due to filenames with space characters inside. What should I do? `cwltool` does not allow some characters in filenames by default. For example, the filename `a space is here.txt` includes 3 space characters. ```console ERROR Workflow error, try again with --debug for more information: Invalid filename: 'a space is here.txt' contains illegal characters ``` If you can not avoid these dangerous characters, then pass `--relax-path-checks` to `cwltool`. ## What should I do when I get CWL Parameter Reference error due to hyphen in an input identifier? If `cwltool --validate` returns valid ```console $ cwltool --validate cwl/qiime.cwl INFO /usr/local/bin/cwltool 1.0.20190831161204 INFO Resolved 'cwl/qiime.cwl' to 'file:///workspace/cwl/qiime.cwl' cwl/qiime.cwl is valid CWL. ``` But executing it causes an error like: ```console $ cwltool cwl/qiime.cwl --sample-input metadata.tsv INFO /usr/local/bin/cwltool 1.0.20190831161204 INFO Resolved 'cwl/qiime.cwl' to 'file:///workspace/cwl/qiime.cwl' ERROR Workflow error, try again with --debug for more information: cwl/qiime.cwl:14:5: Expression evaluation error: Syntax error in parameter reference '(inputs.sample-input)'. This could be due to using Javascript code without specifying InlineJavascriptRequirement. ``` The file is here ```cwl cwlVersion: v1.0 class: CommandLineTool baseCommand: [qiime, metadata, tabulate] arguments: - prefix: --m-input-file valueFrom: $(inputs.sample-input) inputs: sample-input: File outputs: [] ``` Problem caused by `-` (hyphen character). ```cwl valueFrom: $(inputs.sample-input) # ^ this is problem ... inputs: sample-input: File # ^ this is problem ``` To fix this error, change `-` (hyphen) to `_` (underscore): ```cwl valueFrom: $(inputs.sample_input) # ^ changed here ... inputs: sample_input: File # ^ changed here ``` If it is not possible to change the input identifier, then you can use an alternative CWL Parameter Reference syntax: ```cwl valueFrom: $(inputs["sample-input"]) ``` ## How do I use CWL and cwltool with Singularity? The CWL standards are built around (optional) Docker format containers. The reference runner and several other CWL implementations support running those Docker format containers using the Singularity engine. Directly specifying a Singularity format container is not part of the CWL standards. ## How do I debug the JavaScript in my CWL tool? You can use the --js-console option of cwltool, or you can try creating a JavaScript or TypeScript project for your code, and load it using expressionLib, e.g.: https://github.com/common-workflow-language/common-workflow-language/blob/master/v1.0/v1.0/template-tool.cwl#L6-L8 % - https://github.com/common-workflow-language/user_guide/issues/6 % - Maybe adapt some of these (or move to a workaround?) https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn2813589/wiki/401464